Take a Moment for Your Skin

Good morning. I hope by now that taking an extra moment in your morning is becoming more normal. After all you are your own MVP. One of the over looked MVPs of the body is the skin.Find the extra 5-7 minutes to rub lotion on your skin especially in the cold winter months. Your skin is the bodies largest organ and a major player in your immune system. Just the act of rubbing yourself down with oil helps to increase circulation, increases energy, activates your lymphatic system, alleviates stress, fights signs of aging, and can help you sleep better.If you really want to go for the gusto you can give yourself a body scrub in the shower. You can use a homemade or store-bought creations. You can also purchase a variety of scrub mitts, body brushes, and loofahs that will exfoliate and invigorate your skin.Dermis appreciation and care can be as simple or as elaborate as you desire and have the time for. On long lazy weekends, you can relax in a bath with, salts, teas, oils, or heck even milk honey. Do whatever you like. There is no right or wrong when it chines to self-care.  Then follow up with a scrub and a good lotion before doing the regular old errands. Make time for you.