Moving Meditation
How are your mornings? A pefect morning should include steps to take care of body and the mind. A great way to do this is with moving meditation. I'm one of those people who really like the benefits of meditation but the sitting can be more of a distraction. I'm allllllll about whatever works.What is moving meditation? Slow rhythmic physical movements and deep breathing. This of course has all the benefits of regular meditation including;
- increased focus and calm,
- reduction of stress and anxiety,
- helps blood pressure and insomnia.
Moving meditation can have a profound effect on the body as well as the mind including decreased inflammation and pain. Moving meditation can also lead to increased;
- flexibility, balance, and agility
- energy and stamina
- cardiovascular capacity
- muscle strength
- joint health
So what are some examples of moving meditation? Yoga, tai qi (chi), qi gong, breath walking, certain types of dance... honestly you can make a moving meditation out of almost any can of activity you want. It only has to be rhythmic and breath centered. Breath centered means that you are focused on taking slow deep inhalations and exhalations. So give it a try in the morning. #getpoked